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The purpose of integrating practices, training, fieldwork, execution of innovative and creative publication under GKF2134 Underwater Imaging (Electronic Arts & New Media major under Fine Arts Program) course  is to give exposure and to demonstrate the proper way of SCUBA diving in using underwater imaging equipment such as digital photography and videography devices in capturing images of ocean life to be shared with public.

Students will be taught on scuba diving procedures and correct ways of using scuba equipment in ensuring safe underwater diving under the guidance of NAUI (
National Association of Underwater Instructors) professional divers.

It is also in line with
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) as a dynamic university that is contemporaneous and forward looking that support teaching, learning and research activities according to United Nations: The Sustainable Development Goal through the 14th Objective; which focusing on Life Below Water: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystems through Education and Action with Local and National Communities.
Students' field skills such as visual and audio recording will be practised to generate their findings from real life experiences, then translated into creative work products through digital platforms - creative work products such as 360° virtual reality and augmented reality images that will be shared and used as future reference sources by the public, that highlight the importance of preserving Malaysia underwater paradise heritage.

  • Exemplify the principle of scuba diving procedures and handling of underwater digital media recording equipment.

  • Demonstrate both underwater digital media recording techniques and scuba diving skills effectively.

  • Prepare a creative underwater visual storytelling artwork through digital and online platform.

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